Dorothy Drope, Bodhi Drope
ISBN: 9781550171648 $21.95
Paperback 192ppåÊ
Harbour Publishing | June, 1997åÊ
Introduces both new and experienced sea kayakers to the matchless paddling opportunities stretching from Howe Sound in the south to Desolation Sound in the north, and including Sechelt Inlet and Jervis Inlet. One of the most scenic areas in the world, the Sunshine Coast offers everything from surging saltwater cataracts to calm, contained coves. This informative and user-friendly book is the only guide to kayaking in this paddler's paradise scattered with secluded islands, coves and inlets.For paddlers of all experience levels, the introduction includes essential tips on dealing with the Sunshine Coast's weather, tides, and various hazards, camping with minimal impact on the environment, and interacting with the flora and fauna.